Saturday, October 26, 2013

interview with Osh 10

What was the inspiration for the new album?

With my previous album release it was the first time I’d really gone solo with regards to the songwriting- I’d previously always co-written and so the first album was a huge lesson in trusting myself. When I began writing this album I was really comfortable with my process and so I was able to just let whatever needed to come out- whether it be a synth sound in the instrumentation or lyrical content. So I guess you could say that the inspiration came from freedom of creating everything on my own, without censorship.

Do you think your developing a sound all of your own?

I find it difficult to give my sound a genre label- I’m electronic but I use a lot of live instruments and jazz and funk arrangements, so electronic purists would be furious with me being called electronic, but I also don’t fit neatly into pop, jazz or funk categories either. I used to call my sound ‘trip hop’, but that only led to people comparing me to pivotal artists of that genre which was not my intention. It’s a work in progress but at the moment I’d call my sound ‘alternative pop/electronica’.

You've toured overseas what has come of that?

I have spent the last couple of years touring Japan, which has been an immense amount of fun. The music scene is so vibrant there that there really is a place for every kind of sound, it’s a much more inclusive environment over there and I do hope to go back again next year if I can find the time and money. For songwriting I have found that a little artist residency in the foothills of the Pyrenees Mountains in Southern France- gave me the peace and quiet to write my entire album, so that is also high on my wishlist to repeat again soon.

How long did it take to get the album together?

It was around a 2 year process- being wholly independent meant that the components of the album had to be slotted in around day jobs and saving money to pay for session players and engineers and the like. Vocals were recorded on weekends when I could get away to the country to record in the quiet. It was quite broken up, so it has been really nice to finally hear it all together and finished on one disc!

What are some stand out tracks for you?

My favourite tracks would have to be firstly ‘This Lonely Room’ I’m really proud of the arrangement on that one, I love how it creeps and grows into something quite epic at the end. My other favourite track is’The Ripcord’ it is about as close as I get to a pop song and it’s a really fun song to sing live.

Any future plans for tours etc

With a new baby in the mix, taking off on tours got a little bit trickier- but I’m definitely working on some tours. France and Japan are on the cards for 2014 and I’m in the middle of a brand new instrumental project so I think that will keep me busy for a while to come.