Listening to portisheads portishead it is a fatastic album i love it. The cures use of two bass player intrigues me it is a fantastic sound. Am learning new guitar picking techniques on the guitar.
Im back on board with music lessons. good bunnies do funny acts and the like. Have discovered how to pick on the guitar is such a wonderful thing to do. Take to it like anything. Need a couple of real life punks for my sex pistols film. Im sure il find them.
Radiohead is on my stereo at the moment. Its a great album to listen to at night with some low lighting. The album im playing is kid A. Its a classic. Would love to see radiohead live. Ive even found some guitar tabs to a couple of radioheads songs.
Monique brumby has been playng around town of late was going to see her last week but had a busy week so didnt go see her. one of these days ill have to go see her.